The all new Tip Junkie Creative Community has so much functionality that I dont want you to miss out on any of the fabulous things that it does. {Of course its free. HA!} So, over the next few weeks Ill be sharing tips to help you maximize your experience on the site.
Perk #1: Your Craft Room
The Tip Junkie Creative Community is your own personal online craft room. Now I can securely host your digital memories so that you can save the time you would have spent rummaging around in the garage looking for them making memories that matter!
No matter where you are, you’ll be able to access your photos and tutorials online, and they’ll all be in one place….your own personal craft room. HOW fabulous is that? Plus you’ll be able to share your crazy-amazing talent with others!
I want to host your memories instead of you storing them in your garage or attic or the back of your closet and now you can show other people besides aunt Ruth how to make that scarf or that sugar scrub or the magnetic nail polish you are so proud of! {wink}
{How to Create a Paris Themed Power Room}
Tip Junkie will catalog and file away all of your favorite tutorials so that you can easily find them later. You’ll be able to pull them up anywhere you are in the world online or from your smart phone.
Use the Tip Junkie Creative Community {TJCC} as your own online craft room! It’s worth the short amount of time it takes to upload tutorials. I PROMISE.
More TJCC Tips Coming Soon!
More Tips on how to use the Tip Junkie Creative Community {TJCC} will be rolling out over the next few weeks, so be on the look out!
Thank you for being so wonderful and sticking with me as Tip Junkie grew by leaps and bounds and experienced some growing pains in the process. You ROCK!
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