Life as an Organizing Expert has afforded me the luxury of seeing “post holiday clutter” first hand. I’m here to tell ya ~ it aint pretty!
Hi, I’m April and much of my advice this time of year is focused on conscious consuming, so when I was asked to give you 10 tips on Holiday Trends I jumped at the chance to share my professional insight on giving clutter free!
1. Give Experiences
Years ago, when Grandma gave the boys a gift to go to an indoor racetrack, I adopted this concept immediately. During that holiday season we were building a house and living in a very small rental house, I asked that any gifts be small in nature and thoughtful. Turns out racing your grandparents {and Grandma kicking Grandpa’s tush is quite memorable!}. To this day they still talk about that adventure and can’t recall what else they received that year. Other ideas I’ve seen clients do: concert tickets, a summer camping trip, visiting Chinatown, a weekend getaway to the beach.
2. Give Perishables
Giving to the stomach can always be a smart gift! Plus, you know the recipient won’t have to find a place to store it! Some of my faves are to spend a day baking with the kiddos, make a tray of goodies and wrap it in festive plastic wrap. Other ideas I’ve seen clients do: Food sent from a catalog, homemade jar mixes, gourmet treats in a gift bag, wine club memberships.
3. Give to Charity {in honor of…}
I have a friend that is one of 10 adult children, their holidays can break the bank! They decided to honor the gift of giving by making a donation to each family unit’s favorite charity on their behalf. One year they all chose one charity and everyone chipped in, while young children were opening gifts the adults were able to discuss what their funds most likely helped with. This is also a great idea for the person who has everything.
4. Give to their Hobby
As the wife to a Fireman who is an avid Hunter, Fisherman and Handyman I’ll be the first to admit ~ I do this every gift giving opportunity! My husband always needs something else for his hobbies, like the LED hanging mechanics light he pointed out the other day while we were at Costco, or the new lens he’s been drooling over for months! Most importantly here though, be sure what your gifting is something they not only would use, but they actually want. If you’re not sure about specifics, give them a gift certificate to a store you know they shop at for the hobby. My recent fave is eBooks or audio books, I know so many folks who love to read ~ this way they can enjoy the book without having to physically store it. Other ideas I’ve seen clients do: regional wine tour, golf club membership, iPod, car care kit, Kindle or Nook, zoo or science center family pass.
5. Give to their Wallet
This is such an important tip for anyone trying to find the perfect gift for a tween or teen. Think iTunes gift cards for the tween or a fuel gift card for the new teenage driver. I’ve even seen clients give grocery store gift cards to neighbors they knew were struggling. Consider the new PASS card from AmEx for the college student. And when all else fails … cold hard cash is always seems to be accepted.
6. Give to their Domestic Duties
So many folks complain they just don’t have the time to “deep clean” anymore. Consider giving the gift of a cleaning service, especially appreciated by the elderly, or if you’re close enough friends/family offer to pitch in before their next big event {hosted at home}.
7. Give the gift of Time
This can look like so many things ~ For a young couple: a gift certificate to dinner at a favorite restaurant with a note saying you’ll watch their kids. For the elderly: offering to be a personal shopper, chauffeur and/or prep cook with them during the holiday season. For the busy student: a set of casserole dishes along with a note that promises each time they appear at home they’ll be filled with healthy pre-made meals that can quickly thaw, microwave and eat while studying.
8. Give an Eco Gift
Giving green is such a great way to inspire the clutter free concept, just be sure your recipient is up for it! I had a client that received a Kindle, only for it to be set aside gather dust because he preferred the “feel” of a real book. Some of my faves are the EnviroSax re-usable shopping bags. They fit in the palm of your hand when rolled back up & can easily be stored in a purse or a car door to ensure they are used on a regular basis.
9. Give to the Bucket List
Some of the most difficult gifts to buy have been for my husband or my closest girlfriends {the Fab 5}. As we have gotten older the conversations that start with “Someday I’d like to…” have occurred more often and made me think about gifting the opportunity to cross that item off their list. One of the Fab 5 has always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride while another one has always wanted to go bungee jumping. I’m sure in the years to come we will rally around one another and get these things done. Other ideas might be: going in a weightless chamber, visiting a specific monument or country, learning a language, taking up Yoga, living in a highrise building or on a farm for a summer.
10. Finally, Give the gift they want
Giving clutter free doesn’t always mean you searching for innovative ideas. Sometimes it simply means you’re being a great listener. I have to admit I spoil my husband a bit in this department. Every year he asks for a list, I provide him an email with the picture of the items along with a link to where he can click-click-click and be done. On my wish list this year? The Tomb Raider & National Treasure movies {they are my faves}, as well as a gift certificate to the Kindle store {even though I don’t own one, I use their app on my Droid} and a new pair of slippers {I know, boring right? No! I will really use them!}
No matter how you give gifts this season the most important message here is to give the gift that will be appreciated and used.
I hope these tips help! I would love to know if you have any of your own or what you gleaned from the post!
April is a Mental Clutter Expert | Mom of 2 boys | Wife to 1 Fireman | Horrible Cook | Loyal Friend | National Public Speaker who gives you permission to be imperfect
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If you’re still looking for homemade gift ideas, check out my other site!
Allison says
Nice post which Giving clutter free doesnt always mean you searching for innovative ideas. Sometimes it simply means youre being a great listener. I have to admit Its spoil my husband a bit in this department. Every year he asks for a list, I provide him an email with the picture of the items along with a link to where he can click-click-click and be done. Thanks a lot for posting this article.
?????? says
This is by far the premier magazine for Do-It-Yourselfers and family handymen. The ideas, projects and material are laid out in easy to follow drawings, diagrams, illustrations and pictures with well written text. These are really collector type magazines in that you will want to save each one so that as you have a household project to do you can refer back to a specific magazine to help you.
?????? says
his is one of the best sources for ideas on home improvement. Beyond the great ideas, they also give you detailed directions on projects along with a good number of pictures. I have learned how to do a great number of things I used to hire others to do because I thought I didn’t have the skills – they make most projects around the house seem accessible, but not by oversimplifying the process. Some may argue that they give too much detail, but this is essential for anyone new to a project and can be breezed through for those that are more experienced.
Vikki Albers says
These suggestions are delightful and practical. Shifting to clutter-free is a great improvement over our cluttery, cloggy recent past. Merry Holidays!
April says
Amanda ~ Great Job on not filling that house up! Awareness can be half the battle ;o)
Nonnahs ~ I completely agree, thanks for your added wisdom!