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Welcome! Tip Junkie is a collection of pictures and links to creative ideas from women bloggers. Hopefully, you’ll be inspired by the tips and amazing ideas I feature daily.
I get asked all the time what are my favorite tips? I have way too many to answer quickly. I’m constantly blown away by the women I find and feature. Therefore, I made this link list of my favorites.
Here are my 2008 Top Tips for Junkie’s like me!
I. Tip Junkie’s Favorite Posts
1. “>100th Day of School
2. Teacher Appreciation Week
3. Beautiful Craft Rooms
4. Closet Organization
5. Blogger Question & Tips
6. Back to School – Cut The Clutter
7. Trunk or Treat
8. Creative Halloween Party Food
9. Thanksgiving Traditions
10. Thanksgiving Centerpieces
11. 17 Christmas Traditions
II. Holiday Ideas
1. Valentine Bandit
2. Valentine Pillow Cases
3. April Fools Jokes
4. Glitter Bones
5. Ghost Pancakes
6. Boo Frame
7. Gift Wrap Idea Party
8. Holiday Kitchen Gifts
9. Advents
III. Submitted Tips
1. Photo Scavenger Hunt
2. Altered Baby Wipes Container
3. 12 Course Lunch
4. Tags out of paint samples
5. Idea Rolodex
6. Last Day of School shirts
7. Ribbon Clippie Holder
8. Art Wall Window
9. Jazzed Up Spaghetti
10. Easter Egg Garland
IV. Organizational Tips
1. PROCESS by Laura
2. Family Information Station
3. Downloadable chore chart
4. Tidy Tote
5. Storing Art Supplies
6. Pottery Barn Teen Board
V. Tutorials
1. How-to Hair Blog
2. Apron Tutorials
3. Nightstands Made Over
4. Playing Card Purse
5. Soft Baby Shoes
6. Edible Chandelier
7. Party Hat
8. Magazine Holder
VI. Entertaining Tips
1. Baby Dress Invitation
2. Martini Glass Centerpiece
3. Victorian Book Club
4. Pinwheel Fondue Party
5. Ruffle Table Cloth
6. Embellished Cups
7. Breakfast at Tiffany’s Theme
VII. Gift Idea
1. Money Book
2. Crayon Initial Plaques
3. Etched Pyrex Pan
4. Altered Paint Can
5. Cupcake Bath Fizzies
6. Test Tube Gift Card
7. Cupcake toppers
8. Scrapped Gift Card
9. Exploding Box
VIII. Birthday Ideas
1. Sweet Shoppe Birthday
2. Thing 1 and Thing 2
3. King for a Day Cupcakes
4. Willy Wonka Birthday
5. Photo Birthday Banner
6. Crepe Paper Doorway
IX. Craft Tips
1. Magnet Board
2. No Sew Tutu
3. Pottery Barn Scrapboard
4. Repurposed Cork Board
5. Modge Podge Craft Night
6. Altered Clip Boards
X. Home Decor Tip
1. Spray Painted Plates
2. Altered Barn Window
3. DIY Wall Art
4. Floating Name Frame
5. Toile Memory Board
6. Vinyl Tile Clock
7. Teen Room Decor
XI. Traditions
1. Birthday Traditions
2. Egg A House
3. Silhouette Art
4. Summer Activity Photo Tree
5. Back To School
6. Phantom
7. Christmas Gift Scavenger Hunt
XII. Blogging Tips
1. Blog Etiquette
2. How to Host a Blog Party
3. How to Change the Comment hyperlink(name)
4. Protect Your Ideas
5. Who’s Linking to My Blog?
6. Meme’s
7. Increase the Number of Posts on Your Blog
8. Replace Sidebar Titles
9. Add an Automatic Signature
If you love these ideas, you can also check out the Top 10 Tips for Junkie’s that features 10 of my favorite links in different categories.
If you’d like a daily dose of fun ideas and inspiration in your mail box each day, subscribe to Tip Junkie. It’s easy!
She’s Crafty – About Technorati, next you add the button to your blog. When you click on your button you can click on your “authority” and it will list who’s linking back to your blog.
She’s Crafty – I fixed the link. Thanks for letting me know.
NOW here’s a list of places to save for sure! What a great way to give it to us all in one place!!! Love it all.
thanks for the help! I especially love the blogging tips!! A couple questions though- I registered for technorati to see who is linking to my blog, but now I am lost. Where do I go from there??
And also, the link to “How to Change the Comment Hyperlink” is broken.:)
Thanks again!!
I just want to say…I LOVE your blog. So much good info on here, I just love it all. 🙂