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I’ve missed Talk To Me Tuesdays where we are inspired by fabulous bloggers who share their wealth of knowledge and experience. Today we’re talking to Debbie who is a Professional Organizing Coach on how to slow down and enjoy this holiday season. This following is in her words:
5 Tips for Simplifying Your Holidays
Kids and Christmas almost certainly equal chaos. Even with the best of intentions, things can get out of control. Throw in a few pets, in-laws, and last minute shopping trips, and its safe to say that for most of us, by the time December 25th arrives, were stressed, tense, and not all that organized. This year, start your New Years resolutions a month earlier and commit yourself to having a simplified holiday.
Tip #1: Take a Moment to Plan
Use a binder to create a Holiday Planner. Include sections for “Greeting Card List,” “Gift List (dont forget teachers, mail person, etc.), “Recipes” (for favorite holiday dishes), and “Guest Lists” (for your own parties). I know this seems like adding more time-consuming chores to your already hectic schedule, but getting your plans down on paper will really help you organize your thoughts. And it will eventually save you time by preventing last minute trips for forgotten ingredients, supplies, and gifts. Plus, next year, youll have a jump start on the holiday season by relying on your notes and lists from this year.
Tip #2: Shift Your Focus
Capture the real meaning of the holidays: donate canned goods to a food bank, volunteer at a local soup kitchen, donate an old coat to a homeless shelter, count your own blessings, or just smile at a stranger. And make sure your kids take part, too. This isnt an organizing tip, but by taking the focus off of yourself and your busy schedule you can better focus on the reasons for the season. And this perspective will make it easier to slow down and de-stress about all you have to do.
Tip #3: Involve Your Guests
When planning parties and extended family meals, ask your guests to bring something (dont forgot to keep a menu planner of who is bringing what). Most guests are more than happy to contribute a covered dish or a bottle of wine. You dont have to be the Super-do-it-all Hostess. Let others help you out so you can enjoy the festivities, too.
Tip #4: Keep the Kids Busy During Your Gatherings
Give the kids age-appropriate duties: collecting coats, passing out appetizers, picking up wrapping paper from opened presents, taking pictures or video recordings (if they are old enough). It gives them something to focus on, keeps them out of trouble (hopefully!) and helps lighten your duties.
Tip #5: Slow down and lower your expectations.
Too many times we try to live up to the holiday hoopla of a perfect Hollywood/Norman Rockwell ideal, and as a result we take on way too much. Take a look at your to-do list, prioritize your tasks and obligations, and remove three things from the bottom of your list (these items are on the bottom for a reason, so dont feel guilty, just cross them off!)
So, my challenge to you is that you let go of creating a perfect holiday and instead aim for simplified. Come January you want to have fond memories of the holidays, not be glad they are over.
Visit my post Whats on your holiday calendar? and share what youre NOT going to do to this holiday season.
Simply yours,
© 2008 Debbie Jordan Kravitz
P.S. Don’t forget to buy from women this holiday season during our Mom-preneur Shop-a-thon! Let’s support each other.
Cindy Lietz, Polymer Clay Tutor says
Thank you so much for the reminder. We can all get swept away by the stress of the holidays, when a little planning ahead would allow us to enjoy them more!
Shannon says
you have an award at my blog. come and get it
Misty says
Cool stuff!
T says
good timing – I posted today about my own personal sanity saver for my kids Christmas Gimmes… I have even gone so far as to simplify the planner idea down to a spreadsheet which folds up into my purse!
Michelle says
Great advice. We will see if I can make myself follow it. I did pick up an angel today off the tree at walmart. My son is only one and will get more than his fair share this year. So we decided to do for others who might not get things otherwise.