The last thing I want to spend my time doing is cleaning my house. Therefore, I’m constantly looking for effective closet storage & organizing solutions for my home.
Clean up has got to be easy and quick. I’m one that believes that everything needs a home and that home should be pretty! {{snicker}} Here are a few space saving and closet organization tips so you can also spend less time cleaning.
Walk Closet Organizers
Add extra shelves to give everything a home. My poor hubby has had to add shelves to every closet in our house. It not only adds a lot more storage space but it also allows you the extra room to keep it beautiful. Those green boxes hold my off season clothing.
Master Bedroom Closets
One of the best ways to have an organizers closet is with large storage boxes. I’m way to cheap to spend a lot of money on them and if I can’t find exactly what I want – I’ll make my own. I bought cardboard boxes and hot glued fabric onto them to match my master bathroom decor. The fabric boxes hold my hubby’s off season clothing, 72 hour kit for emergencies, and glass housewares we got for our wedding that I can’t bring myself to get rid of.
Closet Organization Tips
Pick a fun color theme to make your closet fab. I converted my guest bedroom’s closet into a craft closet by using the color scheme hot pink and black. I labeled all the baskets and have more baskets and storage hiding under the black/white fabric.
Closet Storage & Organization Solutions
Make picture labels to help organize toys. Picture labels serve two purposes: To allow kids to help clean up faster on their own and make rotating easier.
I keep the majority of my boys toys in the attic. Every so often, I’ll rotate the bins from the toy room and grab a few new ones from the attic. This system is painless as I can easily tell what’s inside with a quick glance.
Tip: If you have young children, you can minimize the clutter by storing toys on a high shelf for adult access only. When your kiddo wants a toy to play with, they can easily point it out. Don’t forget to replace it with one that is already out.
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