One of my favorite things to do is organize a closet. I know, I’m a complete dork! {{wink}} I also am a huge bin fan and love to use the colors, shapes, and sizes to bring the fun into something that’s usually boring.
Organize Your Closet
Emily submitted her beautiful coat closet turned into a storage closet!
I had Home Depot cut a long 1×2 into 6, 14inch pieces and used those as my braces. Then I bought a sheet of some 3/4 inch particle board with a melamine finish, and had them cut 3 pieces for me the length that I needed (28 1/2 inches).
That’s right, she turned her junky coat closet into storage closet by adding her own shelves and storage bins. It’s fabulous and I can only imagine the smile it brings to her face every time she opens it up. {{just lovely}}
i find no problem in arranging everything except laziness