Print Free File:
Don't Eat Pete (5385 downloads )
How to Make:
1. Print out on Cardstock.
2. Cut white edges off leaving an even small trim of white.
3. Glue to colored paper.
4. Laminate.
How to Play:
Place one piece of candy in each square. Send one person out of the room while the group chooses one candy piece to be PETE. When the player returns he eats the candies one at a time; but the minute he touches PETE the group yells DONT EAT PETE!! His turn is then over and the next player leaves the room. Continue until all have had a turn.
Other Useful Ideas:
1. Eat Dinner: Use this game to get your toddler to eat his dinner. Cut up the food in bite-size pieces (chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, etc.) Put one piece of dinner in each square. Play the game accordingly.
2. Gifts: Attach a bag of M&M’s and you’ve got a great birthday gift, Thank You gift, hostess gift, or Christmas gift! For Christmas also attach the M&M Christmas Poem.
3. Easter Time: Wondering what to do with all that Easter candy? Play Don’t Eat Pete! together as a family.
4. Babysitter Game: This is also a great game for babysitters to play with your children. Kids love the “treat” and it’s enjoyable for all. If you have a child that frequently babysits – make the game for him/her to play with the kids she tends.
Print Free File:
Don't Eat Pete_BW (2799 downloads )
Now your child can color “Don’t Eat Pete!”. As an additional activity print out the black and white version of the game and then have your child color it.
Black & White Version“]
TIP: If you’re planing on laminating the board after your child has colored it – have your child use map pencils or markers instead of crayon. Sometimes the crayon bleads from the heat of the laminating and smears the picture.
My kids and nieces and nephews love this game so we came up with an App for it on the Android market. I wondered how they would like it when no actual candy was involved….they LOVE it! Seriously, my 3 year old is always begging to play it. Hey, no sugar, I’m game! Check it out and leave a review. It’s free!
I am trying to download the colored Pete version and it will not work… any ideas?
Last year you had Don’t Eat Casper. I can find that on the tipjunkie page. But it points back to executivehomemaker…but the link doesn’t work. Help
This is the best game ever made! My 5 children played this game over and over and over. They used M&M’s, marshmallows, raisins, smarties, cheerios: mainly whatever they could find.
Try this game with your kids…. they will LOVE it!!