Easter is always a time when I try to make some fun new treats for my boys. Usually family is around and it’s the perfect time to get a bit OTT and embellish the holiday. Here are a few fun Easter & Spring goodies ideas for you to try out. {{They’re making me hungry!}}
Brooke submitted her Cotton Candy Fairy Wands; Easter cotton candy transformed into bite-sized treats.
Courtney submitted her Easter Bread Bunny and Personalized Easter Egg Donuts. Amazing!!
Amy submitted her Easter Egg Braided Bread Wreath. I featured one last year but it’s worthy of another mention. It’s so amazing. This braided bread wreath that can double as an attractive centerpiece for your Easter dinner.
I love a girl that can pull it off in a pinch. Rindy submitted her easy carrot cake decoration;
orange sprees and 2 green Gummy Bears.
These dragonfly toppers are so incredible fun! I found them over on The Decorated Cookie.
Kendra sent in her Edible Easter Nests; little nests you can make for Easter dinner.
Here’s another Easter egg nest that I found over on Fare to Remember.
Obviously I’m a bit addicted to these nests. I found Easter basket treats made out of Fruity Pebbles on Mele Cotte.
Easter Tips from Twitter Friends:
If you know how to use fondant DomesticBecky hooked me up with her decorated sugar cookies. Yummy!! You can make her homemade fondant from this recipe.
Msteinkrauss decorates the outside of her house with Ukrainian Easter Eggs.
Thanks Ladies! If you don’t already have an “I was Featured” button, feel free to copy the code and wear it proudly on your blog. These are amazing!
This post is brought to you by Bangerang Bake Shop. {{yummy!}}
wenderful says
Ooops! I don’t have 9 kids. Only 4. How did that happen?!
wenderful says
I’ll have to make the delicious Easter nests. They are adorable. My kids would scarf those up. I might too.
Lisa Jo Rudy says
OMG – LOVE these ideas, they remind me of the Easter Egg trees we used to make:
carefully tap holes in the tops and bottoms of raw eggs and blow out the egg (saving it to eat of course). Then dye the hollow eggshells, and hot glue string or yarn to the top. Bring in a nice twiggy branch, and “plant” it in a coffee can. Then tie dyed eggs to the branches. Lovely!
Like they say in the ad world, it’s all about the Power of Small (reading up on this: http://www.thepowerofsmallbook.com). The tiniest things can really change a life.
Cindy Lietz, Polymer Clay Tutor says
I just love the edible Easter Nest. They are adorable! Thanks for the link to the homemade fondant recipe. I’ve been looking for one of those!
Callisters says
What an honor to mentioned on Tip Junkie! I have posted on my blog how to make the Easter Bunny Bread Veggie Tray. Thanks again!