It’s a New Year and a new Tip Junkie! So we’re rolling out some new themes to better promote creative women. It’s Friday which means it’s time to Follow Friday. {TGIF!}
What is Follow Friday?
Every Friday here on Tip Junkie it’s my pleasure to introduce to you a Tip Junkie Craft Room which is loaded up with some great tutorials, tips, files, gifts, recipes, and fabulous ideas you’ll want to know about and….follow, of course. {{knuckle bumps}}
It’s my way to say “thank you” to those of you who are taking the time to share your talent, teach us, and “make new friends“.
Follow a Craft Room
If you are logged into your craft room, simply click the “follow” button next to their profile picture. You are now their “Fan” and I bet they’ll “Friend” you back. {{wink}}
Tip: To clarify in the Tip Junkie membership profiles, Fans are people who are following YOU. Friends are those you are following.
Follow Friday
This weeks Follow Friday Feature is Not So Idle Hands. I adore That Not So Idle Hands is willing to share her lovely craft tutorials and printables on a regular basis with us.
When Not So Idle Hands isn’t uploading her latest tutorials to her Tip Junkie craft room you can find her at Not So Idle Hands, the place where she records her craft shenanigans. {it’s fabulous} You’ll find all kinds of fun crafting tutorials there.
It was super difficult to chose my favorite project she added to her craft room, but because I’m an organization freak {evil laugh} I chose … {drum roll, please}…
Hall Closet Re-Do and Wrapping Paper Storage ~ Have a closet that is not meeting your needs anymore? Not So Idle Hands did and this is how she fixed it. You can also add a super easy wrapping paper storage, like she did, which is so fabulous I can hardly stand it! {{high fives}}
Click here to see Not So Idle Hand’s other projects in her craft room
and don’t forget to follow her as well!
Congratulations, Not So Idle Hands! You are our Fourth Follow Friday Feature, and we are thrilled for you. We love that you populate your craft room with crafts, organizational ideas, printables and and even how-to videos! Your projects are top notch!
Grab your I was featured on Tip Junkie badge.
You earned it! {knuckle bumps}
We love that you are willing to share your fun tutorials with us. Please feel free to Facebook, Instagram, or Tweet this honor.
We want the world to know that we think YOU are pretty spectacular. I’m honored that you chose to be apart of such an incredible group of creative women. Thank you. {hugs}
Tip: When you share your badge, be sure to share the link to your craft room too. Your friends and family can follow you on Tip Junkie and bookmark your latest projects to quickly find later.
Feature You Next?
Want to be featured on follow friday? Simply upload your own ideas into your craft room. Features are picked at random, but we love fabulous content. There’s already a wait list, so start your craft room today!
P.S. Don’t forget to check out the Tip Junkie Facebook page. It’s a great place to ask questions on how to make things or for specific tutorials that you are looking for. I’ll be happy to find them for ya.
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Promoting creative women through their
craft rooms and products, ~ Laurie {a.k.a. the Tip Junkie}
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