Sue did the most amazing thing a while ago and I wanted to share it with all of you. I have truly been inspired by her service and her thoughtfulness. All I can say is “WOW!” what an amazing gift.
More often these days, you read a blog post that completely lifts you up and makes you want to be a better person. Sue did this for me with her post on ‘I am a Mother‘.
Sue mailed this package to Julie after what must have been a really bad mommy day.
Sue wrote: “I know its probably a little strange getting a package from a complete stranger, but when I read your For Sale post on your blog (see attached copy) I just wanted to do something for you. You really captured a crazy day in a mothers daily life. I included a few items in your package to help you gear up in case you have another disastrous day like this one.”
Here’s what Sue put in her care package:
- Granite counter top cleaner complete with a scrapper to help remove glue and glitter topped with toilet paper.
- A roll of toilet paper to replace the one your girls probably used up.
- You also are now armed with nail polish remover.
- Clorox pen to help with the stains on the dirty laundry (sorry, if its not white I have no idea what removes nail polish from clothes). I
- also created a little craft box so your girls will have a box of approved supplies if they choose to be crafty while you are away.
- A little bottle of Sweet Pea lotion to help remind you to stay sweet even when the kids turn up the heat. Actually, I wanted it to really remind you to take some time out for yourself now and then.
- There is also a CD of one of my hard mommy day play lists that I listen to often to keep me focused on what being a mom is all about and to not beat the kids.
- Finally, the book I Am A Mother by Jane Clayson Johnson.
Sue founded the blog “I am a Mother” to promote motherhood. The purpose of the blog and the book, I Am A Mother by Jane Clayson Johnson, is to fill it with wonderful letters to mothers, and that these letters can be shared with multiple women.
I hope you pass along the book and inspire others to do the same. Thanks Sue for your inspiration and challenge.
Gigharborscrapper – Aren’t those notebooks so adorable! I’ve contacted Sue to ask her how she made them.
That is just the sweetest thing ever…and I so love the “For Sale” post! Having just found you recently I haven’t yet read all your older ones..
Awwwww – what a wonderful, wondeful gift!
Could you tell me alittle bit more about the books in the first picture? They are so cute but can’t figure out how they are made or what the little extras are in them…
I love the “care package” your friend made
Oh my goodness! What a FABULOUS gift!