Mother’s Day is fast approaching! Here are some fun activities you can do with your kids, preschool, church, or play group for Mother’s Day, courtesy of Executive Homemaker.
My child’s pre-school teacher presented this form all filled out at a Mother’s Day luncheon she held for us. One by one she read aloud what the kids’ responses where to the questions. We were laughing so hard at the end! This is something that will definitely go in the scrapbook!
I’ve made some May flowers
With my finger and thumb,
So you’ll have those memories
For all the years to come!
Simply print out this sheet of paper and use the child’s index finger to make the 5 petals of a flower and use a yellow thumb print to go in the middle. Draw a green stem and a leaf to complete the project.
Sometimes you get discouraged because I am so small,
And always leave my fingerprints on furniture and on walls.
But everyday Im growing up and soon Ill be so tall
That all those little hand prints will be hard to recall.
So heres a final hand print just so that you can say
This is how my fingers looked on this Mothers Day!
Mom wears many hats in the family. Have your child color and fill out his questionnaire this Mother’s Day.
Free Printable Mother’s Day Card
If your man forgot to get you a card for Mother’s Day – don’t worry. Have him click on the link and print it one out! The kids can color it and make it a treasure you’ll have for years to come.
Give service as a gift to Mom this Mother’s Day by using this coupon book. Simply print it out and fill in the blanks.
A great way to display your child’s hand prints or give as a gift to Grandma. You could also use this as a play day activity. Simply paint the kiddo’s hand with paint of any color and place it next to the poem.
Mother’s Day Hand Print Poem
I miss you when we’re not together
I’m growing up so fast
See how big I’ve gotten
Since you saw me last?
As I grow, I’ll change a lot,
The years will fly right by.
You’ll wonder how I grew so quick
When and where and why?
So look upon this hand print plaque
That’s hanging on your wall.
And memories will come back of me,
When I was very small.
Happy Mothers Day!
Color and fill out this cute card to show Mom what her child knows/does not know about her.
You can also use these as decorations like my son’s pre-school teacher did. Every year she hosts a Mother’s day luncheon and at our seat we each had our own custom place mat. I loved it!
Happy Mother’s Day Ladies!!
patsy says
What great ideas but the best one is the one where the kids fill in the answers. I can imagine the funny things they’ll write!
Dancin Queen says
Fun ideas! Thanks for sharing them!
Wish I’d been able to meet up at the blog party! Hopefully next year.