These cute cookie creations actually take on the shape of your little one’s hands, making them the perfect treat, straight from the heart for Mother’s or Father’s Day, Christmas or any other special occasion! We are going to show you just how to make them, too! Just simply follow the step-by-step tutorial we’ve outlined below for you, and soon your whole family will be enjoying scrumptious cookies!
Little Hands Sugar Cookies Tutorial
Difficulty | Cost | Time | Age | Person | Event |
$1 to $25
30 Minutes
-- |
Father Mother |
Homemade Gift
Inspired From:
You Will Need...
- 1 Cup of unsalted butter (warmed to room temperature)
- 1 Cup of Sugar
- 1 Large Egg
- 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
- 3 Cups Flour
- ½ tbsp. Salt
- Cooling Rack
- Parchment Paper or SILP Pad
- The Outline of Your Children's Hand
- Rolling Pin
- Cookie Sheet
- Red Food Coloring (My favorite brand to use is Americolor!)
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