Before getting started with the planting, you should make a plan or a schedule for flower gardening. The perfect schedule includes all the important dates, such as the dates for buying the bulbs and the seeds, the preferred dates for sowing starting plants indoors and for transplanting outdoors, the days for watering and garden spraying, and yet that’s only a hint of what to include in the your timetable.
Tips and Advice for Planting Flower Bulbs
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Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
A great advice is to keep in mind the local environmental conditions. This means that you should check out the sloping of the terrain in your garden in advance and pick the best places for planting lilies, for example. Other flowers may prefer flat terrains or the warmer corners in proximity to the south wall. Another important advice is to check out the weather forecast for your climate zone for the entire season. It will be a long summer for growing flowers and perhaps they will not be the main plants in your garden. Yet they require some specific care and it’s not recommended just to plant the bulbs and expect good results. Highlight the days with the expected heavy rain falls in your schedule, the coldest expected days, the first and last frosts, etc.
Step 2
Last but not least, always choose good quality bulbs rather than the cheapest ones when you are planting flowers. Good quality bulbs provide great growing rates and healthier plants, which is very important for the smell and colour of the flowers. Yet that’s the only most important benefit of these beautiful plants.
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