Here’s a quick, easy project that you could do with your children. Who doesn’t need more organizing tins and boxes? This easy project uses a repurposed cocoa can and paper to make gorgeous organizing tins.
Upcycled Cocoa Tin
Difficulty | Cost | Time | Age | Person | Event |
$1 to $25
30 Minutes
-- | -- | -- |
Inspired From:
You Will Need...
- Recycled cocoa can
- Cardstock or colored paper of your choice
- Computer paper
- Computer Printer
- Glue dots
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Measure and cut paper or cardstock to wrap around and cover cocoa can. Attach glue dots strip along all sides of the paper. Be generous with the glue strips; since the can is curved, you want to make sure that the paper adheres well to the can.
Step 2
Print numbers onto computer paper. And attach the computer paper to contrasting paper or cardstock with glue dot strips.
Step 3
I added a strip of paper on the lid to cover the company logo and to add space to write a contents label.

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