Spring Break for my kiddos is in 2 weeks. Yikes! It’s time to come with up with some new activities to keep them busy and happy. The good news is that I’ve got a LOT to feature that were submitted by Tip Junkie readers. I hope these spark some good ideas and help you get ready for some creative fun for you and your family!
Be sure to tell these fabulous ladies the Tip Junkie sent you. Here are several boredom busters and activities for kids:
Activities for Kids
1. Personalized Counting Book
2. Pudding Paint
3. How To Make Easy Peg Fairies
4. Catch the ball
Painting & Art Activities
5. Bored No More Box
6. Crayons and a glass front door
7. Four crazy places for kids art
8. Magic wand cayon tutorial
Sewing Tutorials
9. Alphabet Bean Bags
10. Puzzle Bags
11. Pin the Tail on the Donkey game
12. Quiet Book
Imaginary Play
13. Make your own play kitchen out of an end table
14. How to make a Volcano
15. Bug Hunting Kit
16. Make a barnyard
Dress Ups
17. Faux makeup for kids
18. PVC Swords/Lightsabers
19. Recycled Cups noise makers
20. How to Make Minnie Mouse Hair Bows
Lamb says
Oooh, I just found your site and I have a feeling I’m going to love it. Thanks for the tips, Tip Junkie! 🙂
Lamb’s Most Recent Post: Who Are These People?!
shawna says
These are amazing ideas for kids…..!!!!!!!!!!
Brandie says
I love the faux make up idea! My little girl will love that!
Heather - Dollar Store Crafts says
Thanks for linking to my Pin the Tail on the Donkey game – I had such a fun time making it! 🙂