Ready. Set. Link! It’s time for YOU to add some staycation and family vacation ideas to feature.
Add a link to your blog post or craft room project with creative lists of things to do in your city, staycation, day trips, fun family vacation ideas, vacation count down, and travel tips. {high fives} I will constantly be selecting bloggers from this list to be featured on Tip Junkie, Facebook, G+, and Instagram. Thanks for playing along! {high fives!}
Disney Countdown Mickey Chalkboard
Link Up Your Travel Tips Below!
By adding your blog link or project below {takes a minute to load} you’re giving anyone permission to grab a picture and feature you on a site they write for, Facebook, or Pinterest. Always know that if Tip Junkie shares your link ~ I will always credit you, use only 1 photo, and send people to your original post. {pinky promise}
{Give the Linky a few seconds to load ~ Click Blue “add your link” button}
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