These Chalkboard Tags are great for organizing and labeling items in your craft room or home! They are made from small wooden tags and painted with Chalkboard paint. I used a Crayola Twistable to write on the tag for a more durable and longer lasting design!
Chalkboard Tags
Difficulty | Cost | Time | Age | Person | Event |
$1 to $25
30 Minutes
-- | -- | -- |
You Will Need...
- Wooden Chalkboard Tags {I found these at Michael's Craft Store}
- Chalkboard Paint
- White Twistable Crayon or Chalk
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Paint Tags with Chalkboard Paint
Step 2
Use the crayon or chalk to label your tag and attach it to your basket, bin or other storage item.
Step 3
Fill your storage item and enjoy!

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