Stephanie loves to use fresh herbs when cooking but she can’t use them fast enough and they end up getting moldy in the refrigerator. Stephanie submitted her solution on how to store herbs by freezing herbs in ice cube trays!
How to Store Fresh Herbs
Freeze your herbs in ice cube trays. Chop up herbs and place into individual ice cube trays. Make sure you measure your herbs per ice cube. That way if a recipes calls for 1 TBS of fresh herbs, youll know how many ice cubes you need. Pour about 1/4 cup of water over every 1 cup of herbs. Then freeze. When you need to use herbs, just thaw out however much you need or want to use.
What a brilliant tip! The cilantro in my home goes bad all the time. Not anymore! {{evil laugh}}
I wanted you to know I’m linking to you on Jan 16th on my blog. And now I’m following you. I like what chu gotz here
Lol, great tip! I always wondered why grocery stores don’t just sell fresh herbs in smaller quantities. Love this idea though 🙂
Wow, what a great idea! I have had the exact same issue-I love having a herb garden, but I cant use them fast enough. I’m going to try this out over the weekend, thanks!
What an ingenious tip? Why didn’t I think of that myself? 🙁 Thanks a lot.! I like Carolyn’s idea about the olive oil, I’m going to try that as well.