My foodie file is filling up so it’s time to feature some of the yummy delights you’ve sent my way. I hope they inspire you to try something different in the kitchen today.
1. Janele submitted her Garden Cake, the vegetables are candy.
2. Pamela’s chocolate lovers cookies for any holiday.
3. Lacie’s beautiful rainbow cake.
4. Dianna’s cinnamon chip cookie recipe.
5. Kitty made a tutorial on how to make a sushi cake.
6. Pamela’s miniature ice cream cones.
7. Make your own bagels from scratch thanks to Celia.
8. Fawnda and Jeannine’s granola tutorial.
9. Anjeannette’s ice cream cozy tutorial.
10. Melody suggests planning ahead with meal sized grilled chicken.
11. Melody’s favorite blog recipe cookbooks.
12. Tiffany recycled jars by turning food jars into attractive storage.
Huge thanks to these fabulous bloggers who love to cook! Youve most certainly earned your I was featured button from Tip Junkie.
Here is the newest inspiration from my other sites:
a. TJ Giveaway Directory: Win a womens cruiser bike
b. TJ Mom-preneur Shops: M.W. Grant Designs
c. Executive Homemaker: Don’t Eat Pete game
d. Chic Chick Media: Shop Momento
I am always excited to visit this blog in the evenings.Please churning hold the contents. It is very entertaining.
Thank you so much for featuring my line of handmade stationery here! I’m the big pink flower, which is actually a note card made from 1960’s wallpaper! I’ve had lots of Tip Junkie visit my website as a result! Many thanks!
That rainbow cake is too cute!
Thank you for featuring my Garden Cake! My 10 year old daughter made the cake for a cake decorating contest in 4-H, and did a fab job. I updated the project with a more detailed approach on how to decorate this cake, at
Thanks again Laurie, you are the best!
Thanks so much for featuring my rainbow cake. My little girl and I had so much fun making that together! 🙂