This is a great spin on the surprise birthday party. Have friends and family members go to the birthday girl’s house every hour on the hour.
How to:
1. Make a list of the birthday girl’s friends and family.
2. Call or e-mail them and have them sign up for a time of day (every hour).
1. For stay at home mom’s, get the husband involved. Have him tell her that a repair man (cable guy, or someone of that nature) is coming some time that day and she needs to be dressed and stay home all day for him. 🙂
2. Put non-realiable people on the half hour.
3. Have the person that signs up for noon bring her lunch.
1. Organize it so everyone brings a gift card to the same store. This way the birthday girl ends up with a shopping spree instead of a bunch of random $20 cards.
2. Have each person attach their gift card to a flower. At the end of the day not only will she have a stack of gift cards, she’ll have a beautiful arrangement of flowers. Have the first person in the morning bring her a vase and the last person attach this poem to her flower.
Friends are Like Flowers Poem
Friends are like flowers
each unique in their own way,
put them all together
what a wonderful bouquet.
Some are really brilliant
full of light sharp and clear,
while other are more subdued
to both you can adhere.
You are a flower in my garden
that makes up my bouquet,
my friends you all make
a very impressive display.
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